Roof-A-Cide® Information for Roofing, Painting, and Property Maintenance Professionals

Sunday, July 10, 2011

A More Cost Effective Approach to Roof Cleaning - 80-90% Reduction in Labor

The Roof-A-Cide Team had an opportunity last month to participate in the FRSA Convention. We were happy to talk with the many Roofing Professionals that are now starting to understand how important Roof Cleaning is to their customers and how important it is for their companies to offer this service. But the question most have is how to offer it Cost-effectively for their Customers and still do it Profitably.

If you are a Roofing Contractor in Florida, you might have noticed some of your colleagues starting to offer Roof Cleaning. But most of the companies that have gotten into this service have problems because they are approaching Roof Cleaning in the same way that most small Pressure Cleaning Contractors do – which is very labor intense and time consuming. And since the Roofing Contractor usually has higher labor costs and much more overhead to cover, they generally have to charge a much higher rate than the 1-man Pressure Cleaning company and they really can’t be cost-competitive. So while they are getting a few jobs here and there from customers willing to pay a premium, they are missing the larger opportunities, especially in the HOA/POA markets because they are not cost effective.

Our presentation at the FRSA Show generated a lot of interest from Roofing Companies wanting to learn how to establish a Profitable Roof Cleaning operation. They were very interested in the Safety of Roof-A-Cide, Approvals from Roofing Manufacturers, Proven Track Record, Our Training Program, Our Guarantee, and Most Importantly Our Cost-Effectiveness – ALL of which are unmatched in the industry and why Roof-A-Cide is The Industry Leader. Why have crews spending 3-4 hours on a roof, when they can spend 25-30 minutes? Why settle for 50-60 customers each year when you can do that in a day?

The Opportunity in the HOA / POA Market:
For far too long, Homeowners Associations and Communities here in Florida have mandated Roof Cleaning – while most Roofing Professionals were not offering it because they could not see how profitable it really could be. As a result, it has too often been left to contractors that are not licensed, not insured, not trained, and not qualified to do the work properly. We expect to see this changing in the near future. Not because the price of Roof Cleaning will go up dramatically, but because the way we do it is so much more efficient and cost-effective. Soon, many more Companies will realize that Preventing Roof Stains with Roof-A-Cide is going to be MUCH more profitable for them than roof cleaning will ever be.

With this new insight into their customers’ needs and an understanding of the benefits of Roof-A-Cide, we hope to see many of these companies join the other Roofing, Construction, and Property Maintenance Professionals that offer their customers Roof-A-Cide because it’s a much safer, more cost-effective, and More Profitable approach to properly maintaining a roof!

Learn More by Visiting our Website:

Opportunities with Homeowners and Property Owners Associations:

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