Roof-A-Cide® Information for Roofing, Painting, and Property Maintenance Professionals

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why Roofing Companies Should Choose Roof-A-Cide

For far too many Residential Roofing Contractors running their own businesses, the success of their company relies almost solely on their ability to attract, sell, and complete the next few roofing jobs profitably. So they are always on the treadmill in search of New Customers and the business starts to own them instead of them owning the business. And because they hesitate to diversify their services and have no source of Recurring Revenue, a mild season combined with a weak economy can, and has, put many of them out of business over the last few years.

Unlike other industries such as HVAC, IT, Commercial Roofing, Commercial Painting, and High-End Property Maintenance, among others, Residential Roofing Contractors have been very slow to recognize the importance of putting in place programs that generate recurring revenue and create excellent opportunities to introduce additional products and services that the company may offer. Too many simply ignore these opportunities that not only generate cash flow - but also ADD VALUE to the business so that one day it might be sold for more than simply the value of FF&E.

We can help. The Roof-A-Cide Process, especially when combined with a comprehensive Maintenance Program, provides something that is sorely lacking in today’s Roofing Industry – A Source of Revenue that is easily Teachable, Valuable to the Customer, Profitable, and Repeatable.

This ADDS VALUE to Your Company, makes it more Profitable, more Resilient, and makes it more valuable to a potential buyer.

Adding Roof-A-Cide to your sales mix can:
  • Stabilize Revenues – “Guaranteed Revenues” on a regular basis
  • Reinforce customer loyalty
  • Reinforce company name recognition
  • Keep valuable employees fully employed
  • Diversify revenues
  • Provide an easy and inexpensive opportunity to introduce your customers to ancillary products and services your company offers.
If you would like to learn more about incorporating a Roof-A-Cide program to offer your customers, please read more here and contact us for a FREE Maintenance Program Evaluation to determine how profitable this could be for your company.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Roof-A-Cide Receives Official Approval from Gerard Roofing Technologies

Roof-A-Cide receives official approval from Gerard Roofing Technologies and Allmet Roofing Products for use on their Stone-Coated Steel Roofing Products.

After years of testing, Gerard Roofing Technologies & Allmet Roofing Products have joined with the largest manufacturers of Asphalt Shingle, Clay Tile, and Concrete Tile Roofing to recognize the safety and effectiveness of Roof-A-Cide in protecting a roof and eliminating the need for cleaning!

To date, Roof-A-Cide has been tested and approved by the following Industry Leaders in U.S. Roofing Materials Manufacturing for the Residential Market:
  • GAF – The largest Manufacturer of Asphalt Shingles
  • MonierLifetile – Concrete Roof Tiles
  • U.S. Tile –Clay Roof Tiles
  • Gerard USA – Stone Coated Steel
  • Metro Roofing Products – Stone Coated Steel
Roof-A-Cide remains the ONLY EPA Approved and Manufacturer Approved solution that can PREVENT the problem of Roof Stains seen throughout the US without the need for Chlorine Bleach or Pressure Cleaning.

If you would like to learn more about incorporating a Roof-A-Cide program to offer your customers, please read more here and contactus for a FREE Maintenance Program  Evaluation to determine how profitable this could be for your company.